are the qualities that distinguish us

Bees - future solutions
Be Engineers for Society
BEES â Future Solutionsoperates in the aerospace, navaland more generally industrial field, with particular reference to automation, human machine interfaces anddata acquisition systems.
We find and develop innovative solutionsin various fields to improve the quality of life and respond to the needs of today’s society.

Our services
Engineering Solutions Business Oriented
The group is able to design and manufacture data acquisition systems in the aerospace, industrial and environmental/geothermal monitoring sector and so on.
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The key to success
Strategy and Planning
BEES supports its partners also in terms of technology transfer services, market development or increasing existing activities through dedicated strategies.
The main areas of expertise are:
- Design;
- Hardware Design, Development and Implementation;
- Software and Firmware development;
- Support to Research & Development projects and Subsidized Financing.